Tuesday 10 January 2012

Lady of Auxerre

The Lady of  Auxerre


         The discovery of this sculpture which was found in the storeroom of the Auxerre museum in 1907. The Auxerre museum's location is a city east of the Paris. From this sculpture, it is a sculpting stone from the seventh century BC in the Greek world. We can see that she has a U-shape face, a heavy hair looks like Egyptian hair, and she use her right hand to touch her chest. From the research, the heavy hair looks like Egyptian hair, and she use her right hand to touch her chest is mean that touch her solar plexus, her left hand shows more free and stiffly at her side. From her smile, we can found out her smile is a "archaic smile" and contains more secret hint from her smile. Research shows that her styles just like the the Early Archaic style.

IMO: I think this sculpture, the Lady of Auxerre  is very beautiful because the artist shows her more organic line and good human proportion and her hair looks like Egyptian hair. Last but not least, her "archaic smile" looks very nice.

Reference website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_of_Auxerre


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