Tuesday 10 January 2012

Kroisos Kousos

Anavyssos Kouros, ca. 530 BC.

    This is the another sculpture I will discuss, It name's Kroisos Kousos (Ancient Greek). It is a marble sculpture from Anavyssos in Attica. This sculpture is dated within c. 540 - 515 BC and stands 1.95m high.This sculpture is now located in National Archaeological Museum of Athens. It is functioned as a grave marker for the fallen warrior who is names Kroisos. We look to this sculpture proportion, we see that it is free standing, both of its hand is put freely and stiffly at both its side, and its face looks a little bit of "archaic smile". From the research shows that the inscription on the base of the statue reads: "Stop and show pity beside the marker of Kroisos, dead, whom once in battle's front rank raging Ares destroyed.“
        This sculpture is thought more represent to a ideal image of a person because it is represent more looks like the Kroisos than a actual potrait drawing. It also build up as a fact that it is displays in an ancient Greece status for the common man.  

IMO: I think the artist of this sculpture is very admiration to the brave warrior. The dead of brave warrior let the artist feel sad and the artist make a sculpture to represent him to let all people to remember the brave of the warrior. I see that this sculpture shows more muscular that represent the warrior how he strong.   

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